First Glance

Ethical Decision-Making


This book could not have come at a better time for everyone with responsibility for decision-making, irrespective of climes or vocation. In fact, the need for a book like this extends far beyond corporate entities, transcending professional careers and having far-reaching implications for personal decisions. The apparent stark divide in perceptions of right and wrong—”acceptable, not acceptable,” and “maybe acceptable”—is more a generational issue than a geographic or cultural dilemma. The perception divide of the relevance and importance of maintaining high ethical and moral standards is worrying, especially as the younger generations, who seem not to place sufficient emphasis on ethics, are gradually getting into positions of power and decision-making of significance, even of national proportions and importance…


Ethics are the fundamental principles that guide our actions and shape our character, and they are the pillars upon which society stands. They serve as a moral compass, directing us towards making decisions that are fair, just, and honourable. However, in recent times, there has been a growing concern about the erosion of ethical values, particularly in professional and personal spheres. Across different continents, from country to country, and from industry to industry; we keep witnessing jarring corporate meltdowns resulting from unethical practices and decisions. Therefore, it has become imperative to address this pressing issue and provide a comprehensive guide to ethical decision-making…


In an increasingly complex and interconnected world, ethical decision-making has become an essential skill for individuals from all walks of life. Either as a professional navigating the corporate landscape, a student facing difficult choices, or simply a concerned citizen striving to make a positive impact, the ability to make sound ethical decisions is crucial.

Welcome to “Ethical Decision-making: A Guide to Ethical Dilemmas in Professional and Personal Life.” This comprehensive book aims to equip readers with the necessary knowledge, tools, and frameworks to navigate the intricate ethical landscapes that we encounter daily. It will empower you to make informed choices that align with your values and promote the greater good…